Infrastructure is more than bricks & mortar
World Toilet Day: Launching the London Loo Alliance
Health and Housing – are we at an inflection point?
Changing Places: the Life Sciences industry in London
Planning is messy – but reducing it to binary choices will not give us the sustainable places we need
Where health meets planning – lessons from Wales
Private finance, public infrastructure
Supermarkets and Healthy Placemaking
The cost of adversarial practice
Vulnerable in the city
Infrastructure First
Notes from a Blue Zone
Life in a parallel universe
Improving Health through the Built Environment – panel discussion at the NHS ICS/ICB Congress
Borrow some medical practice to build healthy homes and places
Connecting generations through houses & places
We need to talk about Toilets
First, do no harm
The Stag Brewery regeneration –a planning test for our time?
The coalitions are coming