Health and Housing – are we at an inflection point?
Two easy wins for healthier places
Private finance, public infrastructure
Vulnerable in the city
Notes from a Blue Zone
Improving Health through the Built Environment – panel discussion at the NHS ICS/ICB Congress
GLA Committee explores Community Consultation
Grasping the low-hanging fruit that will make our places happier & healthier
Connecting generations through houses & places
First, do no harm
When dots don’t connect
Will ESG improve regeneration & development initiatives across the UK?
Show me the Evidence
Health Street: Building Health Creation into High Street Renewal
How can local communities jump on to the ESG bandwagon?
Digital tools and community engagement – the experience of Delib Citizen Space
Can Integrated Care Systems bring health & communities back into the planning process?
The Paradox of measuring Community Impact
What is “Place-based impact investing” and does it benefit local communities?
What does an ethical property developer look like?