Engagement tools as a middle ground
Cutting through the planning noise
Seven steps from ‘consultation’ to participation
Some good news for London’s community campaigners
The Stag Brewery regeneration in its current form sets a dangerous precedent for London
The Importance of Listening to Locals
Planning reform must address the needs of local communities
Be Like the Three Lions, Mr Mayor
It’s time to put health at the heart of planning decisions
The Stag Brewery: an Opportunity for the Mayor to Listen to Locals
Annetta’s House: a Future Hub for Listening to Locals
A Tale of Two Breweries
What’s the best way to sustain community engagement under proposed planning reforms?
Local Planning Authorities: how they engage with communities via Statements of Community Involvement
Newham communities say: Stop the tunnel
London Assembly Leader pledges to work with Listen to Locals
Stop the Exclusion and Obfuscation
The Health Impact Assessment: an Opportunity for Community Engagement
Constructive engagement in planning for London: the next mayoral term